
How to access the streaming videos

A number of people have asked us how do the streaming videos work and how can they access them.

Here are the simple steps to get you watching your streaming videos.

Setting up your Streaming Video Account

  1. Go to and find the video you want, click on “Purchase a Subscription”.
  2. If you are a new Streaming Video customer you will be asked to fill in your details and password to set up your subscription account.
  3. Then select the subscription type  (24 Hours, 12 months standard or PRO) and pay with a credit card (Visa or MasterCard).
  4. Once you have set up your streaming video account you can purchase additional titles without having to fill in your contact details again.
  5. Each video and subscription has to be selected and paid for by credit card as a separate transaction.
  6. You will be able to view all your videos in the My Videos section in your streaming video account and you will also receive an email confirmation/Tax Invoice.

We are happy to answer any other questions you might have. Call us on 03 9525 1407 or email

You can also find out more by checking out the FAQS at

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