Scripts now available for streaming videos

As a bonus extra we have now added a copy of the video script for the following 7 streaming videos: Food safety in the Home Infection Control in the Home Manual Handling for Personal Care Work Manual Handling for Support Workers in Home Care Healthy Bodies Understanding Ageing Hazards and Risks The script can be … Continued

What are the different streaming video subscription levels? 

This information will help you work out which type of video subscription is best suited to your needs. 24 hour standard streaming subscription Unlimited views during your 24 hour subscription period. NOTE: The 24 hours of streaming starts from when you select the video and pay for it. This is a good option if you … Continued

How to access the streaming videos

A number of people have asked us how do the streaming videos work and how can they access them. Here are the simple steps to get you watching your streaming videos. Setting up your Streaming Video Account Go to and find the video you want, click on “Purchase a Subscription”. If you are a … Continued

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